~Yul ^~

The Silly Corner

Here you will find Links to relevant stuff about me, or things I like in general.


Youtube - Pixiv - Tiktok - Soundcloud

My Stuff

Under Construction

Youtube Music Playlist


Epic Song Rotation Corner

About me

Hello, Im yul, just a silly creature in the interwebs

I enjoy doing and learning lots of things, some of my hobbies include Digital Art, Rhythm Games and Cooking. I have also dipped my toes on other things such as Programming however I havent made anything relevant in this field.
Im currently learning about 3D modelling and 3D printing while also trying to make Videos for youtube and Music. Im not amazing at any of the skills mentioned above, but I enjoy them all and I am constantly learning new things about them

In this website I will be posting updates of my projects, life and experiences while I still can

Litter Box

I will dump my stuff here, videos images audio whatever.

Updated December 19th